When a group of students and professors refused to hear the pope speak at their Roman university they were denying their own tradition.
The conventional view nowadays regarding faith and reason is that there is simply no relationship between the two. It is inconceivable. The notion of a "rational" or "reasonable" faith is viewed as an oxymoron. Consequently, any ethical judgment associated with a religious faith is deemed non-rational and irrelevant to those not sharing that faith.
In a lecture intended for delivery at La Sapienza University in Rome earlier last month, Pope Benedict XVI undertook to address this issue and to show that faith cannot exist without reason and that reason itself cannot flourish without the faith. His whole argument is based on the concept of the Western university, whose emergence in the Middle Ages was not some sheer historical fluke, but an outgrowth of the intellectual requirements of the Christian faith itself -- a point which suggests why universities did not develop in Asia, Africa or the Middle-East.
Perhaps we need to reflect on T.S. Eliot's observation about the relationship between Western culture and the Christian faith:
If Christianity goes, the whole of our culture goes. Then you must start painfully again, and you cannot put on a new culture ready made. You must wait for the grass to grow to feed the sheep to give the wool out of which your new coat will be made. You must pass through many centuries of barbarism. We should not live to see the new culture, nor would our great-great-great-grandchildren: and if we did, not one of us would be happy in it.
I truly believe that it’s in there right of these students to choice if they want to follow the religion Christianity or not. They might choose another religion and maybe not however it’s in there right to have that ability. God doesn’t care if you are a Christian,Muslim,Catholic,Hindu, Buddhism, or if you believe in Jehova he loves everyone. In the Bible it says that God does NOT judge. If you really think about it a person might be a Christian and be a materialistic person or he or she might be in another religion and be a materialistic person the total opposite of spiritualism. So the best religion for any human being is the one that makes you feel and be, a better person. Some religions to some people might not make them feel or be better people; but to others it might make them be a better person so you need to respect that. Throughout ages people have been fighting because EVERYONE thinks their religion is better than the other one. For example the Holy Wars really the Holy? Wars. Where a lot of people got killed.What about “love your neighbor as your self” What happened to that?. Were those wars created out of self interest?--- For power? . This article says “You must wait for the grass to grow to feed the; sheep to give the wool out of which your new coat will be made. You must pass through many centuries of barbarism. We should not live to see the new culture, nor would our great-great-great-grandchildren: and if we did, not one of us would be happy in it”. First of all are they comparing people to sheep? Because there not. Everyone in this planet has a bigger purpose we all have a soul.In fact scientist have discovered that all things in the Universe and in the planet is connected. To compare people to sheep is lame and what are popes and kings lions? This article badly written.My overall point is it doesn’t matter what your religion is; if it makes you a better person and you are happy to be in that religion good for you but its also important to respect these students choices of not wanting to part of that religion either they might have found a better one that to them it makes them be better human beings.
I truly believe that it’s in there right of these students to choice if they want to follow the religion Christianity or not. They might choose another religion and maybe not however it’s in there right to have that ability. God doesn’t care if you are a Christian,Muslim,Catholic,Hindu, Buddhism, or if you believe in Jehova he loves everyone. In the Bible it says that God does NOT judge. If you really think about it a person might be a Christian and be a materialistic person or he or she might be in another religion and be a materialistic person the total opposite of spiritualism. So the best religion for any human being is the one that makes you feel and be, a better person. Some religions to some people might not make them feel or be better people; but to others it might make them be a better person so you need to respect that. Throughout ages people have been fighting because EVERYONE thinks their religion is better than the other one. For example the Holy Wars really the Holy? Wars. Where a lot of people got killed.What about “love your neighbor as your self” What happened to that?. Were those wars created out of self interest?--- For power? . This article says “You must wait for the grass to grow to feed the; sheep to give the wool out of which your new coat will be made. You must pass through many centuries of barbarism. We should not live to see the new culture, nor would our great-great-great-grandchildren: and if we did, not one of us would be happy in it”. First of all are they comparing people to sheep? Because there not. Everyone in this planet has a bigger purpose we all have a soul.In fact scientist have discovered that all things in the Universe and in the planet is connected. To compare people to sheep is lame and what are popes and kings lions? This article badly written.My overall point is it doesn’t matter what your religion is; if it makes you a better person and you are happy to be in that religion good for you but its also important to respect these students choices of not wanting to part of that religion either they might have found a better one that to them it makes them be better human beings.
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